For those rare few souls who are watching this project but aren't on discord, S&S Live Edition is now fixed and live. You can see it here.

Going forward, I'll try to keep a change log for the things that get changed as I continue to update it. As of now, the overwhelming majority of stuff is up and ready. Still in progress:

  • Session Zero is being edited still. Nothing fancy to report here, I'm just not entirely satisfied with the way the information is presented.

  • Social Classes are still getting cleaned up/fixed/ready. After a lot of feedback on the fiddliness of the Resources system, it's been thrown out and replaced by a choice of starting packages based on your social class. These are still in dire need of balance adjustment and in some places, completion.

  • Wealth and Maintenance is scheduled to be adjusted next. Maintenance is now by default tied to the social class package you chose.

I could have held onto this for a little while longer to iron out all the wrinkles, but I figured you'd rather see what we had where we were than wait for me to polish further. That's half the advantage of this format. You get to see the process, warts and all. Another advantage is how easy it is to host experimental rules for feedback. The first such offering is the Mounted Combat rules for melee. They are currently listed in the appendix. Thank you to all of you who have followed this project and supported it for so long. I'm continually humbled and amazed.

I'd also like to extend a particular thanks to the patrons whose support has helped me carve out time to give this project the attention it deserves. As a token of gratitude, I'll be posting a patron-only poll to vote on which section of the book gets developed next.

For now, I want your feedback. Questions? Concerns? Likes? Dislikes? Opinions on this format? Typos? All of it. The more, the better.

Hit us up on our forums.
Or join the conversation on our discord server
